Christine Buerki
Christine is a Biologist, specialized on ecology and sustainable development.
She is trained too as a neurobiologist and took part on a postgraduate course in experimental Medicine and Biology form the ETH Zürich. For her phD studies on Neurotransmitters in the inner ear she won the Neuroth-price 1997 from the „Österreichische Gesellschaft für Hals- Nasen- Ohrenheilkunde“.
She is a teacher for grammar schools and has experience in teaching for 33 years at different types of schools and levels.
In 2018, she started another phD study on „Moral Economy“ at the University of Bern, which for she intended to investigate the influence of different economic models in the Bolivian Amazon on the local Biodiversity.
After many hours of research to find distinct and appropriate sites for her investigations in the Bolivian lowlands, the defined sectors she wanted to study were burnt down by the tremendous and devastating fires in 2019; therefore this idea is momentarily put aside…
By the end of the year 2019 she joined the T³ Europe content project as an Expert for sustainability - sustainable development.