Kevin Spry
Brantford, USA
Kevin Spry
Brantford, USA
Changing the face of STEM education
Careers in STEM fields continue to be in high demand. In order to ensure we meet those needs we require a diverse field of students to be studying STEM.
Verlag: T³ USA
Autor: Jessica Kohout, Kevin Spry
Fach: STEM
Next generation science standards - 3 dimensional learning
Within the United States, the national science curriculum has recently introduced a framework for science learning in the classrooms.
Verlag: T³ USA
Autor: Jessica Kohout, Kevin Spry
Fach: STEM
Promoting Productive Struggle that leads to Understanding
STEM projects by their very nature involve struggle through the design and implementation of solutions to problems.
Verlag: T³ USA
Autor: Jessica Kohout, Kevin Spry
Fach: Mathematics
The global real-world issue of human-generated trash, polluting local bodies of water, is the main focus of this hands-on session.
Verlag: T³ USA
Autor: Jessica Kohout, Kevin Spry