TI-Nspire CAS en prépa - Chapitre 7
Chapitre 7 : Développements limités et asymptotiques
Verlag: T3 France
Herausgeber: T3 France
Autor: Philippe Fortin, Roland Pomès
Fach: Mathematics, Computer Science

How and why transition from TI-84 to TI-Nspire CX
Results of the discussion group DG1.8 at Sharing Inspirations 2019.
Theme: Transition from TI-84 to TI-Nspire.
Autor: Epi van Winsen
Fach: Mathematics

TI-SmartView CE - TI 83 Premium CE
Télécharger et découvrir le logiciel TI-SmartView™CE pour calculatrices graphiques.
Autor: Texas Instruments France
Fach: Mathematics

Closing remarks for Sharing Inspiration 2017
Closing comments and taking our ideas forward
Verlag: T³ Europe
Autor: Ian Galloway
Fach: STEM