After the mathematical analysis how to set up an RGB bargraph with difertent colors in this tutorial the actual program is explained and the outcome is documented by using a potentiometer a…
Verlag: Franklin Neyt
Fach: STEM

TI Innovator HUB : Folow the sun (brightness sensors)
When you use two brightness sensors (external) you can easy track the sun. It's very easy in comparison with use of 1 brightness sensor.
Verlag: Franklin Neyt
Fach: STEM

Bevattningssystem | STEM-Projekt | TI-Nspire CX
Här utmanas eleverna att bygga och programmera ett smart bevattningssystem baserat på begreppen om feedback och kontrollslinga.
Verlag: T³ Sverige
Fach: Biology, Mathematics, STEM

Presentation Inquiry-based learning
Presentation on how to use Inquiry-based learning and the TI Innovator in the classroom.
Autor: Denise Groeneweg
Fach: Biology, Chemistry, Mathematics, Physics, STEM

Application Inequalz - TI 83 Premium CE
Découvrez l’application Inéqualz de la TI-83 Premium CE afin de résoudre graphiquement des systèmes d’équations recherché d’éléments remarquables.
Autor: Texas Instruments France
Fach: Mathematics