Derive Newsletter Nr. 117 + CAS-TI-Nspire
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Verlag: Derive User Group
Herausgeber: Josef Böhm
Autor: Simon Plouffe, Julius Angres, Don Phillips, Josef Böhm
Fach: Mathematik
1 Letter of the Editor
2 Editorial - Preview
3 The calculation of pn and pi(n) (Kurzversion ud Abstract)
4 Hyperoperations with DERIVE
16 Surfaces from the Newspaper (8) & Steiner’s Roman Surface
18 Penney-Ante for TI-Nspire and DERIVE
30 Direction Fields, Phase Planes and Nullclines (Richtungsfelder, Phasendiagramme und Nullkline)
37 Spring Time – Flower Time – Butterflies Awake (Schmetterlingskurven)