Mandelbrot set

This program draws the mandelbrot set using the pixel by pixel iteration method

Autor: Didier Deses

Fach:  Mathematik

Schlagwörter  Fraktale

Mandelbrot set
this program draws the mandelbrot set using the pixel by pixel iteration method
-a suitable graphics window is set and the steps dx and dy are calculated
-two for-loops go through all the pixels of the screen
-the starting point z and c of the recursive sequence z:=z^(2)+care set.
-the first 25 terms are calculated until abs(z)>2, in this case the startingpoint is drawn using
SetColor 255-50*√(k),0,50*√(k)
the color to varies between red and blue. Using k:=25 ends the for loop.
-the program then switches to the next pixel
- this program is too slow for a handheld, it works fine on the sofware version

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