Technology Supplier and Employer – Industry between all chairs in STE(A)M?
Industry has an important role to play in strengthening STE(A)M education is Europe. The role of industry is twofold – on the one hand the competitiveness and potential for future job creation depends on a highly skilled workforce of all levels and ages. Therefore deliberations on employability in the digital age are to be addressed, as well as questions which skills are needed and how they are best taught. Moreover the challenge for to increase the interest for STE(A)M in schools and to close the gender gap are to be addressed. This with the aim to better integrate STE(A)M in future curricula and to work towards a more holistic approach.
On the other hand industry provides for a lot of technologies that can be used to support STE(A)M education in schools and in the academic field. It is crucial to address the question which kind of technology should be used and in which framework to achieve best results for European students.
The workshop will aim at discussing the items outlined above and to collect input that allows to be translated in concrete policy recommendations for decision makers in the EU, member states and regions. It is aimed at fostering a trustful and unbiased relationship between policy makers and industry representatives for the benefit of European students.
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