Differential Equations using the TiNspire CX - Step by Step
Solve Differential Equations Step by Step using the TiNspire CX
Autor: SmartSoft
Fach: Mathematik , MINT
Schlagwörter Differenzialgleichungen , Gleichungen , Funktionen , Integralrechnung , Integration , Gleichung lösen
Solve 1. , 2. and higher order Differential Equations Step by Step using known techniques such as
- Variation of Parameter (for 1. and 2. order Diff. Eqn's)
- Step by Step - Method of Undetermined Coefficients
- Step by Step - Wronskian
- Separation of Variables (Trennung der Variablen)
- Exact/Non-Exact Differential Equations and Integrating Factors
- Laplace and Inverse Laplace Transforms
- Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors
- Cauchy-Euler D.E. of order 2 and 3.
- Logistic Equation
- Homogenous and Non-Homogenous
This is a trial version of the Differential Equations Made Easy app.
More information and apps at www.ti-nspire-cx.com