Distribution and Simulation: Key Ideas in Statistical Reasoning

By developing an understanding of distributions and simulation, this allows students to make sense of information in light of variability, or in the presence of noise.
Autor: T³ USA
Fach: Mathematik
Schlagwörter Tutorial
Mathematics educators in middle grades and high school face the tough task of incorporating elements of statistics into their curriculum. At its crux, statistics is all about variability, or noise. By developing an understanding of distributions and simulation, this allows students to make sense of information in light of variability, or in the presence of noise.
Distributions make it possible to describe variability and interpret data, and simulations give us a picture of what typical variability looks like. Together, these are the foundations for inference. Join statistics experts as they demonstrate several examples that apply these ideas using TI technology, with an eye toward meaning in context across the grade levels.