Rethinking How We Teach Expressions and Equations

Join us for a discussion on strategies for engaging students in new ways of visualizing and thinking about expressions and equations.
Autor: T³ USA
Fach: Andere
Schlagwörter Gleichungen , Tutorial
Join us for a discussion on strategies for engaging students in new ways of visualizing and thinking about expressions and equations. Learn about a free lesson series focused on building conceptual understanding of these tough-to-learn, tough-to-teach topics in middle grades math.
- Tom Dick, an author of the Building Concepts lesson series, will share his perspectives on the intent of the lessons, highlight the vertical connections and corresponding professional development
- Dan Ilaria, an author of the Building Concepts professional development series, will share how he is using these lessons with his pre-service teachers
- You’ll also learn how to access Texas Instruments resources supporting middle grades mathematics teachers