Averages with dice

Simulate the throws of one or more dice, predict and tabulate outcomes. Plot the data and obtain averages and the range.
Verlag: Texas Instruments UK
Herausgeber: Barrie Galpin
Autor: Jay Timotheus
Fach: Mathematik
Schlagwörter Mittelwerte , Erwartete Häufigkeit , Zufall , Wahrscheinlichkeitsrechnung
In this activity students start with a new TI-Nspire document and use the random number generator to simulate dice throws. Results can be tabulated and displayed as dot plots and box plots providing many opportunities to discuss expected frequencies and the nature of randomness.
A 3-page handout provides step-by-step instructions so students need very little previous experience of using TI-Nspire.
The activity is designed for use by students working individually on TI-Nspire handhelds, but it can also be demonstrated on a screen using the TI-Nspire Navigator System, which makes it easy to compare and discuss students? different results.
Some questions from the student handout:
- How many sixes would you expect? How many sixes did you throw?
- How many times would you expect to have to throw one dice in order to get a six?
- Is this the sort of distribution you expected?
- What average would be good to use for these data?
- How do the averages of the set of 1000 totals compare with those for the set of 100?
- On average how many rolls of 3 dice will it take to get 3 odd numbers?
This activity forms part of the OxBox, published by Oxford University Press to support their course 'Oxford GCSE Maths'. http://www.oup.com/oxed/secondary/2010gcse/