What's in your breakfast?
Inequalities and data handling in the context of the nutritional content of breakfast cereals
Verlag: Texas Instruments UK
Herausgeber: Barrie Galpin
Autor: Linda Tetlow
Fach: Mathematik , Biologie
Schlagwörter MINT , Ungleichungen , Daten
This activity is in two parts. The first part looks at traffic light food labelling for sugar, fat and salt content and introduces simple inequalities and graphs.
The second part looks in more detail at the nutritional content of breakfast cereals. Students are asked to suggest their own questions comparing different types of cereals and to plan which data to use or to collect. They go on to make use of TI-Nspire to organise and analyse the data and to communicate their findings. Students can make use of given data or they can collect their own. It is also possible to use the data to pose questions suggesting possible correlation for example ?the more sugar a cereal contains the less protein it has.?
Background nutritional information is included with the activity.
The activity makes use of a number of features of TI-Nspire without the need for much prior experience and gives explanations to help students get started.
This activity is one of seven in a booklet entitled Using Real World Data. This is part of a series of booklets presenting STEM Activities with TI-Nspire, published by Texas instruments in 2010.