Banplottning | TI-Nspire

Ma 3-4 - (Momentet om kroklinjig rörelse tas upp i fysik 2), Geometri / Trigometri

Verlag: Texas Instruments Sverige | Education Technology

Fach:  Mathematics, Physics, STEM

Schlagwörter: Curriculum, Geometry, Physics, STEM, Trigonometry

Formler och mönster | TI-84 Plus CE-T

Kurs 1 & Kurs 2 - Samband och förändring | Geometri

Verlag: Texas Instruments Sverige | Education Technology

Autor: TI Sweden

Fach:  Mathematics

Schlagwörter: Curriculum, Geometry

Exempel | Lån index

Ma1 - Lån index med tns-fil

Verlag: T³ Sverige

Autor: Bengt Åhlander

Fach:  Mathematics

Schlagwörter: Curriculum, Fractions, Index, Geometry, T3

Course Materials from Workshop Sharjah, UAE, 2018 May 5

Materials used during workshop in Sharjah, UAE on 2018, May 05. Most relevant for workshop participants.

Verlag: T³ Middle East

Autor: Stephan Griebel

Fach:  Mathematics, STEM

Schlagwörter: Algebra, Data collection, Geometry, TI-Innovator, TI-Innovator Rover


Ma 4 och 5 | Diskret matematik | I denna aktivitet finns två problem om insekter som vandrar i koordinatplanet längs räta linjer och längs periferin på en cirkel.

Autor: Texas Instruments Sverige | Education Technology

Fach:  Mathematics

Schlagwörter: Circles, Computer Algebra, Curriculum, Derivative, Geometry

On-Ramp to Robotics Unit 1 (Motion) with Mars Rover Challenge for TI-84 Plus CE

Students will learn and use basic concepts for robotic vehicle control along with math concepts to write a program to drive their Rover around the base of the Olympus Mons volcano on Mars.

Autor: Texas Instruments Inc.

Fach:  Computer Science, Mathematics, STEM

Schlagwörter: Algebra, Angles, Coding, Distance, Geometry, Linear Functions, Lines, Measures, Points and lines, Polygons, STEM, TI-Innovator, Triangle

On-Ramp to Robotics Unit 1 (Motion) with Mars Rover Challenge for TI-Nspire CX

Students will learn and use basic concepts for robotic vehicle control along with math concepts to write a program to drive their Rover around the base of the Olympus Mons volcano on Mars.

Autor: Texas Instruments Inc.

Fach:  Computer Science, Mathematics, STEM

Schlagwörter: Algebra, Angles, Coding, Distance, Geometry, Linear Functions, Lines, Measures, Points and lines, Polygons, STEM, TI-Innovator, Triangle