Calculating the Temperature of the Earth
The mean temperature of the Earth can be calculated using the Stefan-Boltzmann law of radiation. Your students will understand how models of global warming can be constructed. SDG, 13,14 an…
Publisher: T³ Europe
Author: Ian Galloway
Topic: Mathematics, Physics
Temperature, what it means and how we measure it. History of the development of the concept of temperature, from Hippocrates to Fahrenheit and the modern day..
Publisher: T³ Europe
Author: Ian Galloway
Topic: Physics
Billarm för husdjuren - STEM-Projekt - TI-Nspire CX
I detta projekt ska eleverna bygga och programmera en enkel återkopplings- och kontrolloop.
Publisher: T³ Sverige
Topic: Mathematics, Physics
Presentation Inquiry-based learning
Presentation on how to use Inquiry-based learning and the TI Innovator in the classroom.
Author: Denise Groeneweg
Topic: Biology, Chemistry, Mathematics, Physics, STEM
New Generation of Data Collection Tools
This is a wide-ranging workshop which will delve into the different areas from sensors, probes, coding with TI-84 and HUB to limitations and solutions.
Publisher: T³ Türkiye
Author: Yunus Emre Doğan
Topic: Mathematics, STEM
Video | Naturvetenskap med TI-Nspire
Använd matematiska verktyg för att analysera data från ett vetenskapligt experiment.
Publisher: Texas Instruments Sverige | Education Technology
Topic: Mathematics, Physics
An European TI-Nspire Science Pilot 2012
The TI-Nspire Lab Cradle - a solution to investigate work in science supporting students' understanding through the use of technology
Publisher: T³ Europe
Editor: Ian Galloway
Author: Abdel Yazi, Armando Severino, Cathy Baars, Fernanda Neri, Fiona Dickens, Frank Liebner, Jean-Louis Balas, Lee Fox, Olivier Douvere, Petra Ryrstedt, Sanja Herrström, T³ Europe
Uppvärmning med en vattenkokare
Ma 2 - Algebra | Mät upp en mängd vatten, ca 0,5 liter, och häll vattnet i en vattenkokare
Author: Texas Instruments Sverige | Education Technology
Topic: Mathematics
Avsikten med försöket är att finna sambandet mellan trycket och volymen hos en gas vid konstant temperatur.
Author: Texas Instruments Sverige | Education Technology
Topic: Physics
Avsikten med försöket är dels att undersöka hur temperaturen hos vattnet i kokaren förändras vid konstant energitillförsel dels att bestämma storleken på den till vattnet avgivna effekten.
Author: Texas Instruments Sverige | Education Technology
Topic: Physics
Step by Step Physics on the TI-Nspire CX
Learn how to solve Physics problems step by step in Mechanics, Kinematics, Waves, Energy, Magnetism, Electricity, Circuits, Gas Laws, Planets and more
Author: SmartSoft
Topic: Physics
Application Inequalz - TI 83 Premium CE
Découvrez l’application Inéqualz de la TI-83 Premium CE afin de résoudre graphiquement des systèmes d’équations recherché d’éléments remarquables.
Author: Texas Instruments France
Topic: Mathematics
Approche de la domotique par les démonstrations mathématiques... ou vice-versa!
Expérimentations de 3 projets avec des élèves de 15 ans sur le thème de la domotique pour induire la structure du raisonnement des démonstrations en mathématiques.
Author: Sébastien Verspecht
Topic: Mathematics, STEM
At what temperature does the number of degrees C equal the number of degrees F?
Publisher: Texas Instruments UK
Editor: Barrie Galpin
Topic: Mathematics, STEM, Physics