STEM Event Activities and Challenges with the TI-Innovator and Rover

Short activities and challenges for STEM Event. Students drive the Rover, make colors and make musical notes

Publisher: Texas Instruments Inc.

Topic:  Informatik  MINT

Tags  Programmieren ,  MINT ,  TI-Innovator ,  TI-Innovator Rover

STEM Event Activities and Challenges with the TI-Innovator and Rover

Students drive the Rover, make colors and musical notes

Drive Rover

Rover, Watch Out for Rover Activity or Contest

Students explore rate, time and distance to get their Rover as close to a toy dog as possible without hitting the dog.

See Rover, Watch Out for Rover

TI-84 Plus CE Link

TI-Nspire Link

TI-Nspire CXII Python Link


Mars Rover Challenge

Drive Rover around the Olympus Mons volcano on the surface of Mars. Some have adapted to driving around pumpkins and other obstacles. Others have adapted to driving on a state map to discover universities that the students might attend.

See On-Ramp to Robotics Unit 1: Motion/Mars Rover Challenge

TI-84 Plus CE Link

TI-Nspire Link

TI-Nspire CXII Python Link


Meet the Rover Geometry Challenge

Get started with TI-Rover by learning the fundamentals of TI-Rover technology and programming the TI-Rover along with a set of Geometry challenges

TI-84 Plus CE Link

TI-Nspire Link

TI-Nspire CXII Python Link


Navigate a City (Math-hattan)

Create a pathway with tape. Challenge students to write a program to drive the Rover inside the borders of the path.

See Navigate Math-hattan Math in Motion Plus

TI-84 Plus CE Link

TI-Nspire Link

TI-Nspire CXII Python Link


Make Colors and Sounds with the TI-Innovator Hub


Make Colors

The program prompts students to enter values from 0-255 for red, green and blue LED's to create colors.


TI-84 Plus CE Program for Hub built-in COLOR Red-Green-Blue LED .8xp File Link

TI-84 Plus CE Program for external RGB Array .8xp File Link


TI-Nspire Program TNS File (with an option for external RGB Array)  Link


TI-Nspire CXII Python TNS file (with an option for the external RGB Array)  Link


Digital Mood Ring - short version for STEM Events

Students experience and modify a Digital Mood Ring.


TI-84 Plus CE Link

TI-Nspire Link

TI-Nspire CXII Python (coming soon)


See Digital Mood Ring project for more background

TI-84 Plus CE Link

TI-Nspire Link

TI-Nspire CXII Python (1- hour version) Link


Make Musical Notes

Programs that prompt students to enter values for frequencies and time to play musical notes.


TI-84 Plus CE Play a Single Note Program .8xp File Link

TI-84 Plus CE Play a Three Note Sequence Program .8xp File Link


TI-Nspire Play a Single Note Program .TNS File Link

TI-Nspire Play a Three Note Sequence Program .TNS File Link


TI-Nspire CXII Python Single Note and Three Note Sequence Programs  .TNS file Link


Download and print PDF piano keyboard with frequencies for notes  Link



See Making Music with Code project for more background

TI-84 Plus CE Link

TI-Nspire Link

TI-Nspire CXII Python Link



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Publisher specific license