Crop Circles

Geometrical constructions and patterns in the context of crop circles

Publisher: Texas Instruments UK

Editor: Barrie Galpin

Author: Jay Timotheus

Topic:  Mathematik

Tags  Polygone ,  Dreieck ,  Symmetrie ,  PI

Three TI-Nspire documents provide activities for students to carry out individually with handhelds or for teachers to use as in a whole-class setting using Navigator Teacher Software.

The Teacher Notes introduce the Crop Circle phenomenon and suggests a way of using the three activities:

  • Starter: Compass Rose;
  • Main Activity: Fractal Area;
  • Extension: The House of Pi.

The .tns files include instructions and questions for students and there is also a 2-page student handout.

This activity forms part of the OxBox, published by Oxford University Press in March 2010 to support their course 'Oxford GCSE Maths'.

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